The moment has arrived, and you are opening a document to write the manuscript explaining your amazing work! As you look at an empty page, an important question comes up, “how do I actually write a manuscript?!” Some labs have their unique ways of writing manuscripts, but many of us start writing our first manuscript […]
Diamonds and Drafts: Clarity in Scientific Writing
Diamonds and Drafts: Clarity in Scientific Writing Written by Ryan Valdez One of the most critical factors determining a diamond’s value is clarity; the same can be said of scientific writing. Whether it’s a journal article, a grant application, or an email to a colleague, clarity in your writing enhances communication – and communication is […]
Summer workshop series provides training in science communication
Written by Sarah Rommelfanger “Excellent communication skills” are perennially on the list of desired traits for all professionals. Scientists in particular benefit from writing convincing grant applications to get their work funded, crafting compelling manuscripts and talks to share results with their peers, and designing figures that accurately communicate findings to a general audience that […]
A Perspective on Presentations from Mr. Takahiro Ohara

Making Your Science Uniquely You: A Perspective on Presentations from Mr. Takahiro Ohara Interviewed by Mandy Chan Written by Eryn E. Dixon We all have to do it….the dreaded scientific presentation. They come in all shapes and sizes from quick abstract talks to one-hour lectures. But, for many of us, they bring substantial loads of […]
WUSTL Alumni Shed Some Light on Science Communication Careers

A grad student’s to-do list is constantly shifting and growing. In the short term, we might focus on the day’s coursework and experiments. In the medium term, there is always writing to do (admittedly, this blog post has been on my to-do list for a few days too long). In the long-term, perhaps before arriving […]
A Path Less Traveled: From the Bench to Fundraising to Training Physician-Scientists

Science communication skills are essential for a variety of careers, yet PhD candidates and holders alike often do not consider where or how far such a “soft” skill may take them outside of the academic research lab vs industry dichotomy. After a brief time spent as a postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Jacqueline (Jacqui) Hawkins-Salsbury put her […]
Top 10 Grammar Mistakes and How to Spot them

As much time as we spend at the bench, researchers can spend an equally large chunk of time in front of their computers reading or writing. Many of us love the challenge of penning down experimental results and presenting a story, but, for others, writing a manuscript is one of the hardest parts of being […]
What COVID-19 Taught us About our Climate

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world experienced an ephemeral respite to the chaos caused by the initial wave of viral spread. Countries such as China, India, and the United States took drastic steps to stop the spread of the virus culminating in a near complete shutdown of our daily routines. In attempts […]
Not Your Typical InPrint Submission

I wave from across the Washington University School of Medicine’s Ellen S. Clark Hope Plaza to a man in a white doctor’s coat standing beyond the fountain. Martin B. Wice, M.D., Washington University physiatrist, gives a friendly wave back while walking toward me. Dr. Wice, or Marty, and I are meeting face-to-face for the first […]
COVID-19 and Data Visualization – Unexpected Lessons

At the end of any data gathering endeavor, one is faced with the task of dissemination. This step determines how the end user consumes the information buried within the data. Often these data sets are complex and require creative strategies to communicate information accurately and effectively. Data visualization is essential for communicating the information in […]
How Coronavirus Changed the Communication Game

In March 2020 alone, the Washington University in Saint Louis (WashU) community logged 222,162 hours in 44,674 Zoom meetings. Up from a meager 294 individuals in November 2019, the number of registered institutional Zoom users skyrocketed to 24,808 as of April 9, according to Matthew Arthur, Director of A/V and Media Services for WashU IT. […]
An Insider’s Guide for Breaking into Scientific Editorial

As the number of advanced degrees earned in the sciences increases, more graduates are turning to alternative careers such as science policy, outreach, and science communication. Science communication can take many forms, including writing and editing for newspapers, magazines, press offices, and scientific journals. For those interested in a career in scientific publishing, Dr. Rituparna […]
Comma Catastrophe: How to Avoid the Most Common Mistakes in Comma Use

Improper comma use is one of the most common grammatical errors in scientific writing, likely due to the prevailing thought that commas must be placed where the speaker would naturally pause in a sentence. However, did you know there are objective RULES for where to place commas that don’t rely on an individual’s personal preference […]
Don’t Let the Cucumbers Get You!

Grant deadlines, amiright?! Just like the holidays, cucumbers (if you’re a cat), and your morning alarm, these things really have a habit of sneaking up on you. Submission deadlines for NSF fellowships and NIH F and K series grants are all within the next 3 months. And it’s already stressful balancing all the demands of […]
A Subject We Can All Agree On

Science does involve a fair amount of analysis but often not of grammar rules. Technical writing is plagued by incorrect subject-verb agreement, and you want your data, not your confusing sentences, to stand out! After a brief lesson on sentence structure and a few simple rules, you’ll be back to focusing on data analysis and less on grammar!
Conjunctive WHAT?!

Most of us use conjunctive adverbs all the time without thinking about it, but the poor things are often mistreated. In just two minutes, I will show you how to use these babies with style…
Escape from Lab for Caffeine, Sugar, and Space to Write.

On July 27th InPrint will be hosting a Writers Café! …Or should it be Writer’s café? Wait, maybe Writers’ café…or Writers’s café? I just started this blog post and I’m already stuck. Staring at my computer for 45 minutes has done nothing but cultivate my newfound hatred of apostrophes. Too bad ‘The InPrint Café for […]
Give Your Manuscript That Summer Body: Trimming the Fat in Scientific Writing

Picture this. A grant reviewer or journal editor is reading through your submission when all of a sudden they find themselves in a word maze. The sentence they just read is so long and complicated that they have no idea how what they’re reading relates to anything. They sigh, shake their head, and toss your […]
Welcome to our blog!

InPrint is excited to announce the launch of our new blog! Our editors will post writing tips, editing advice, schema design ideas, career insights and more. We are excited to share our thoughts with you on a regular basis and hope that our ideas encourage scientists at Washington University to pursue excellence in communication. Stay tuned for monthly blog posts! And as always, consider us the next time you are suffering through writing that manuscript or grant proposal!