On July 27th InPrint will be hosting a Writers Café! …Or should it be Writer’s café? Wait, maybe Writers’ café…or Writers’s café? I just started this blog post and I’m already stuck. Staring at my computer for 45 minutes has done nothing but cultivate my newfound hatred of apostrophes. Too bad ‘The InPrint Café for writers who can’t use apostrophes good and want to learn to write other stuff good too’ wouldn’t fit on the flier…I need a change of atmosphere, some advice, and a gallon or two of coffee.
We’ve all been there. Sometimes making progress in your writing can seem daunting. Carving time out of your lab schedule, finding a productive space, and staying motivated can all be difficult. Even once you have a decent draft, getting feedback from busy lab mates or, god forbid, your PI, can be challenging. At such times, procrastination is all too easy. My method of choice involves filling my writing time with menial chores…Hey, is my keyboard dirty?
If this sounds familiar, InPrint is here to help. Set aside some time on a Friday afternoon and join us on July 27th, anytime from 1:00-5:00 pm in room 301 of the FLTC. We will have coffee and snacks to help you stay energized and motivated to get some writing done. If you want a second opinion, InPrint editors will be available to provide on-the-spot editing of whatever you are working on. Feel free to come whenever you can and stay as long as you like.
If you are interested in getting feedback, you can help us out by submitting your draft in advance to inprint.wustl@gmail.com; this will help ensure that an editor has time to look at it.
Even if you aren’t neck deep in manuscript revisions or a specific aims page, a little time spent writing each day is never wasted. Also, did I mention free coffee and snacks?
So, come join us on July 27th from 1-5pm in FLTC 301. Feel free to bring your headphones, your lunch, and your grammar grievances.